As mentioned in my previous post, Mallory and I are working on memorizing the book of Philippians by Easter Sunday along with
@TimmyBrister and many others who have decided to get in on the action.
If you're interested in learning more about it, check it out
I have decided (with encouragement from Mal) to attempt to put the entire book of Philippians to song. I have previously put memory verses that we had been working on to song, and found it made memorizing the verses much easier (and a little more fun).
Sooooo, I am going to take it week by week and attempt to put the words to music. I'm not sure if I will be able to complete it, depending on how much time it takes, but I hope to do this every week.
At the very least, it will be a learning experience, and also challenge myself as a musician; it should turn out to be an overall interesting experience.
My desire is for the entire book to flow together, not making each week's batch of verses sound completely different. I also don't want each week's to sound exactly the same (same melody).
We'll see how it goes.
I plan on posting here each week, so check back (if you think it will help you memorize the verses). I will do my best to post them early on in the week so that they will actually be a help in memorizing; if time does not permit me to get them done in time for that, maybe they will help you keep what you already memorized in your head.
Just so you all know, I am no professional musician, I'm not a great singer or brilliant composer, and there will be many mess-ups along the way. I am merely posting these to share with others who may benefit by using them.
Also, I would really appreciate feedback on the format. It is difficult to organize the text to flow nicely and not sound really choppy, so I'm struggling with cutting verses (in the text) into different verses (in song) to make it flow better. You will see what I mean. Let me know if you think this is not a good thing to do; I'm not trying to reorganize the text and split up verses, but if that helps me memorize them via music, I'm going to try it. The obvious difficulty here is not memorizing exact verse numbers for reference. So your regular reading repetitively to memorize will still be important.
I'm learning as I go, so please be gracious.
Again, any feedback/comments/encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
On the right, under "Philippians to Music," you can click on the appropriate verses to be able to download the songs.
With that said, here is this week's video for
Philippians 1:1-6: